We seek to catalyze systemic, scalable solutions to key issues facing our home regions of Colorado and Chile to support the development of resilient, thriving communities.

“Through ZOMALAB, we focus on issues that reflect our passions and our personal experiences in the places we call home. What moves us to give back is simply gratitude – for our communities and the opportunities we have had in our own lives.”
– Lucy Ana & Ben Walton, Co-founders
The Global Permanence Fund (GPF) works at the intersection of global efforts to address nature, climate, and community development goals, recognizing that the investments needed to reach nature and climate targets can and must benefit the rural communities that depend on and steward critical ecosystems. Following ZOMA LAB’s approach, the GPF partners with a full ecosystem of conservation actors – leading NGOs, philanthropies, governments, and the private sector – to incubate new initiatives that scale financing to protect nature and benefit rural communities.
Resilient, Thriving Communities
Learn more about the impact our partners in Colorado and Chile are making and how they are supporting and strengthening communities.
We believe in philanthropy as a catalytic tool to explore traditional and non-traditional methods, pilot new models, and incubate place-based approaches that can scale and/or replicate in service of advancing systems change.
We invest to advance and scale technology and other market-based solutions that support long-term progress.