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Fundación Viento Sur, nace del amor y compromiso que tenemos con nuestros lugares de origen: Chile y Colorado.

Buscamos proveer y promover el acceso a oportunidades y herramientas para que las comunidades sean más prósperas y resilientes, con la visión de dejar un mejor lugar para las generaciones futuras.

Lucy Ana Avilés Hernández

Our Approach

We believe philanthropy plays an important role in taking risks and accelerating progress and change.


Our philanthropic work in Chile is led by Fundación Viento Sur, a local and separate non-profit focused on Early Childhood Development, Workforce Development and Community Economic Development.


Through Fundación Viento Sur, we use philanthropy as a catalytic tool to support communities in exploring traditional and non-traditional methods, piloting new models, and incubating place-based approaches that can scale and/or replicate in service of strengthening social and economic systems. 

Captura de Pantalla 2022-02-04 a la(s) 10.17.00.png

Focus areas

Fundación Viento Sur
Fundaci�ón Viento Sur
Fundación Viento Sur

Early Childhood Development

Supporting collaboration across sectors so that children, from conception to five, have the opportunity to grow up in optimal socio-emotional and cognitive environments to develop their full potential in life. We focus our work in the following areas:

Prevention and Care for Child Neglect, Maltreatment, and Sexual Abuse

Expanding preventative strategies to reduce the number of children who experience maltreatment and increasing access to services that mitigate harm and support children and families in healing.

Perinatal Mental Health

Raising the standard of mental health screening and care from conception through twelve months postpartum to support the critical development of a strong parent-child bond for optimal social and emotional development.

Parent awareness

Improving access to quality resources, affordable services, and support to help parents be well informed about their child’s development and encouraged to access relevant, affordable services to support their families.

Workforce Development

Increasing access to and navigation of quality career pathways to help individuals obtain job-relevant skills and pursue a meaningful career.

Community Economic Development

Supporting rural communities to explore national economic drivers that have the potential to catalyze local economic growth and resilience.

Fundación Viento Sur Team

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